Auditory Steady-State Evoked Responses in Newborns: Differences in Bone-Air Conduction at the Frequencies of 500 and 2000 Hz
auditory steady-state responses, air conduction, bone conductionAbstract
Introduction: Auditory Steady State Evoked Responses (ASSR) constitute a valid method for the objective evaluation of hearing. The detection of responses in newborns based on stimulation by air and bone is a subject little published in the literature, constituting an interesting topic for the proposal of this technique as a tool for hearing screening.
Objective: To determine the differences in hearing thresholds with ASSR in newborns at frequencies of 500 and 2000 Hz, presenting stimuli by air and bone.
Material and Method: A group of 15 newborns was evaluated with ASSR until obtaining the electrophysiological threshold at the frequencies of 500 and 2000 Hz, stimulating the airway and bone independently.
Results: A significant difference is obtained in the auditory response thresholds as a function of the stimulation pathway and frequency. In bone conduction, responses were obtained at a lower intensity (24 ± 7) at 500 Hz, compared with the results obtained for the air conduction (46 ± 6) at the same frequency. For 2000 Hz there was an opposite effect with a higher detection for the air conduction, obtaining a mean threshold value (30 ± 8) lower than the result for the bone conduction (41 ± 6).
Conclusions: The results obtained allow us to conclude that the best frequency for the exploration of the airway in newborns is 2000 Hz and for the bone route 500 Hz.
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- 2021-09-13 (2)
- 2015-05-01 (1)
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