Consensus on audiological assessments (III): Middle-Ear Analysis


  • Spanish Audiological Society (AEDA) Spanish Audiological Society



middle-ear analysis, tympanometry, stapedial reflex, threshold of the stapedial reflex, stapedial reflex fatigue, Eustachian tube function


[This is the third article of a series of three consensus protocols established by AEDA]

Middle Ear Analysis

Middle-ear analysis is an objective method of measuring the function of the auditory peripheral mechanism. In daily clinical practice, the tests that are fundamentally performed are: timpanometry, the study of the stapedial reflex, the threshold of the stapedial reflex, the study of reflex fatigue and the study of tubal function. Tympanometry is an objective test that, by increasing or decreasing the pressure in the external auditory canal, makes it possible to measure the changes in the flow of energy through the middle ear in the tympanic membrane. The acoustic reflex is an objective test in which after the arrival of strong sound stimuli to the ear, reflex contractions of the muscles of the middle ear are produced, fixing the eardrum-oscicular system and avoiding vibratory injuries in the sound transmission. The Spanish Audiological Society (AEDA) presents with this text a suggestion for the normalization of Impedance.


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2004-11-01 — Updated on 2021-09-15


How to Cite

Spanish Audiological Society, A. (2021). Consensus on audiological assessments (III): Middle-Ear Analysis. Auditio , 2(3), 51–55. (Original work published November 1, 2004)



e-journal of audiology (archive before 2021 only in Spanish)