Audiology in Al-Qanun of Avicenna


  • Wasim Elhendi Halawa Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Punta Europa de Algeciras, Cádiz, España
  • Irene Vázquez Muñoz Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Punta Europa de Algeciras, Cádiz, España
  • Diego Rodríguez Contreras Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Punta Europa de Algeciras, Cádiz, España



Al-Qanun, Audiology, Avicena


In this review we intend to summarize the most outstanding contributions of Avicenna, included in Al-Qanun, to the field of Audiology. A review of various editions in Arabic and Persian of the fourth treatise of the third volume of Al-Qanun is made, focusing on the chapters corresponding to the study of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the ear and trying to relate the concepts included with current knowledge . Avicenna's Al-Qanun offers a clear example of the advanced level of understanding of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the ear as perceived over a thousand years ago and of which many concepts are still valid today. The field of Audiology is a clear example of the involvement of Islamic Medicine and the contribution of Muslim doctors in the study of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the ear. The scientific contributions of pioneering scholars like Avicenna to the field of Audiology should not be ignored.


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Portada Auditio.


2012-04-01 — Updated on 2021-09-15


How to Cite

Halawa, W. E. ., Vázquez Muñoz, I., & Rodríguez Contreras, D. (2021). Audiology in Al-Qanun of Avicenna. Auditio , 3(3), 67–71. (Original work published April 1, 2012)



e-journal of audiology (archive before 2021 only in Spanish)

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