Comparison of three audiological diagnostic methods in clinical practice
hearing impairment, steady state, auditory evoked potentialsAbstract
Objective.- Our purpose was to compare the methods of brainstem transient auditory evoked potentials (AEP), multi-frequency steady-state auditory evoked potentials (MF-ASSR) and tonal audiometry (PTA) with each other, and to determine their usefulness as resources. complementary, in audiological diagnosis. Material and methods.- 99 child and adult patients with hearing loss are included for the study and the results of each method used are compared, using absolute agreement and the Kappa index of agreement. Results.- Results were obtained that indicate low concordance between AEP and MF-ASSR, and better concordance between MF-ASSR and PTA. Conclusions.- The use of MF-ASSR, aims to be a very useful tool in audiological diagnosis since it is a clearly objective method, and the results found between the methods, suggest the convenience of using all three when possible to improve audiological diagnosis .
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