Liability of the hearing care professional in the hearing-aid fitting of hearing-impaired children


  • Sebastián Bernal Zafra Gabinete Audioprotésico, Cádiz. España.



Liability, ethics, fitting, children, education, personality, temper, hearing-aids, hearing care professional


The mission of the hearing care professional does not focus solely and exclusively on the material and physical act of providing a hearing aid. The hearing care professional has a great responsibility in the educational process of the deaf child since it depends on him that the reeducation and auditory, speech and speech therapy are developed optimally. The hearing care professional must be aware that the intellectual and psychological development of the deaf child depends on him, consequently if he does not have special knowledge about the adaptation processes and methodologies, even having his rights acquired in the sale of hearing aids recognized, he should voluntarily refrain supplying hearing aids, with the consequent economic-commercial damage that this entails, but the ethical and human rights of the deaf child must be put before the economic benefits.


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2003-02-01 — Updated on 2021-09-15


How to Cite

Bernal Zafra, S. (2021). Liability of the hearing care professional in the hearing-aid fitting of hearing-impaired children. Auditio , 2(1), 9–11. (Original work published February 1, 2003)



e-journal of audiology (archive before 2021 only in Spanish)