Publication policies 2001-2009

First Screenshot on internet archive: March 30, 2002
Last capture on the Internet Archive: February 1, 2009

Audito Electronic Journal of Audiology ISSN: 1577-3108X

Publication Policies


Auditio will accept for publication works related to audiology, having to comply with the standards set out below.

Fundamentally the works will be classified in:

  • Publishing
  • Original items. It is recommended that they contain the title of the work, summary of the work (not more than 250 words, in Spanish, which will include the intentionality of the work, results obtained more outstanding and main conclusions), from 3 to 10 keywords, introduction, material and method, results, discussion, conclusions, thanks, references and legend of the figures, tables, photos, etc. The maximum length will be 15 pages or 5,000 words.
  • Theoretical reviews. Problem approach, topic development, discussion/conclusions and references.  Maximum extension 30 pages or 10,000 words.
  • Clinicalcases. Maximum extension 5 pages or 2,000 words.
  • Special article. Maximum extension 30 pages or 10,000 words.
  • Letters to theeditor. Maximum extension 2 pages or 700 words.
  • Comments and reviews of articles orbooks. Medical publishers may submit titles they deem appropriate for their review or review.  Maximum extension 2 pages or 700 words.

The works must be unpublished and will not be presented simultaneously in another publication.

The authors will direct their work to the Drafting Council, who will acknowledge receipt of them. The selection of the articles will be carried out by the editors, having been evaluated by two specialists in the field. After a period of not more than three months, the first author shall be notified whether or not to accept the work and, where appropriate, the number on which it will be published.

The articles must be accompanied by a brief, indicating that an article is sent for publication, showing the number of charts and tables, specifying which section of the magazine it is addressed to. The first page will contain the following data: title of work, first and last name of the authors, name of the departments and institutions to which the work and full address of the first author must be attributed, including telephone and fax number, as well as e-mail address if any. Work should be forwarded to the Drafting Council using one of the following methods:

NOTICE: The following addresses are deprecated and only appear for documentary registration:

  • Sending via e-mail to
  • Mailing to:
    C/Pérez de Rozas 838004 Santa Cruz de TenerifeIslas Canarias - Spain.

In both cases, the text will be sent in ASCII format, or in any word processor, indicating name and version (preferably Microsoft Word). The graphics and images will be in GIF, BMP or JPG format, although the authors will be able to send them on paper and quality printing for later digitization.

In the event that the work is mailed it will be accompanied, next to the floppy disk (3.5" formatted for DOS), two copies on one side to double space on DIN A4 size paper. Tables will be sent in separate, numbered sheets with the title at the top and indicating in the text where they are to be inserted. The explanatory notes will go to the footer.

Auditio may reject works that it does not deem appropriate, or indicate to the author any modifications thereof deemed necessary for acceptance. Auditio is not responsible for the concepts, opinions or statements held by the authors in their work.

The accepted works will be owned by the magazine and their subsequent reprinting will require the authorization of the magazine. The works may later be included in monographs of works published by the journal.

Bibliographic references must be numbered consecutively as mentioned in the text, indetifying it by Arabic numerals in parentheses. The style of references and abbreviations for the title of the journals cited should be in accordance with the abbreviations in the Index Medicus.