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Music therapy and its processing. Is there a relationship with oral language?


  • Belén López Grupeli Instituto Safman para la Formación y la Intervención SL. Madrid. España
  • María Visitación Bartolomé Pascual Departamento de Inmunología, Oftalmología y Otorrinolaringología. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España



rehabilitation, music therapy, hearing, language, music, perception, processing


Music therapy is a therapeutic technique or practice currently used in different fields of health sciences and rehabilitative medicine. Speech therapy uses music therapy as a tool to rehabilitate complex cognitive processes, such as language. This technique presents different possibilities for its use, such as Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), Musical Speech Stimulation (MUSTIM) or Auditory Perception Training (APT).

The bibliographic review carried out in this work reflects the promising results published by different authors after using music therapy as a therapeutic practice, allowing a possible answer to the title of the work, why are such beneficial results produced in patients with language disorders when do they deal with music therapy? In this study and in order to answer this question, the possible anatomophysiological relationship between the cortical areas of perception and processing of language and that of music has been investigated.


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How to Cite

López Grupeli, B., & Bartolomé Pascual, M. V. (2018). Music therapy and its processing. Is there a relationship with oral language?. Auditio , 4(3), 75–84.



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